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Matthew 10:13a


We Believe Every Home Deserves to be Blessed

In 2010, the Ellis Heights Neighborhood Association (now the West Gateway Coalition) issued a cry for help on behalf of an area of the city long in need. With their neighborhood situated outside the jurisdiction for federal assistance, the West Gateway Coalition formed a partnership with Rock Church called Project 1013. Together they responded by bringing a handful of people to clear and beautify a few blocks of one street that first year.


From 2010 to 2019, the amount of work done and the number of people involved continued to increase, with the local residents joining in the regeneration of their neighborhood. Project 1013 expanded to facilitate a greater impact in the area and the involvement of additional community groups, churches, and organizations.


In 2020 in response to COVID, Project 1013 took the opportunity to evaluate its vision and restructure for the future.  While considering the direction for the future Project 1013 was called upon by the city to support the Mayor's neighborhood improvement initiative. 


In 2023, Project 1013 was relaunched seeking to bring HOPE to the homes in the 11th Street corridor south of Harrison. Beautifying a neighborhood is not just about making it look better, it's about giving HOPE to the people who live there. We can create a sense of pride and community that can make a real difference in people's lives. 


Visit our Volunteer Page to see how you can join us this year to share HOPE with our City. 

Interview From Project 1013 2024

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